출제적중!! 고려대 국제학부 에세이 : 싸이미S+ 논제 : ODA 그대로 적중 !!

by 관리자 posted Oct 25, 2013


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
2014학년도 KU-DIS 에세이/인터뷰 문제의 테마는 “Uselessness(쓸모없음/무쓸모성)”

Essay Theme : Uselessness of ODA
Passage Contents :
Even though some rich countries ( with the burden of difficulties of socioeconomic bipolarization ) can give assistance to the poor countries, the beneficiaries will not be the people but be the corrupt regime in the undeveloped or underdeveloped countries So there will be no use giving ODA to those countries.

Question : Do you agree or disagree with the main point of the article?
Express your opinion logically and empirically.