Because of their usefulness to people, computers are
taking over the world. Computers were originally designed
to relieve people from time-consuming calculations and
tedious brainwork. they are proving themselves so
efficient, however, that people are becoming increasingly
dependent on them. The time may come when human
lives are governed by a mechanical superbrain.
문제가 되는건 끝에서 두번째 줄의 dependent on them 과 끝의 줄 are governed 인데요
문제가 어법상 틀린것은? 이거든요 이 둘중에 어느것이 틀린 건가요?
taking over the world. Computers were originally designed
to relieve people from time-consuming calculations and
tedious brainwork. they are proving themselves so
efficient, however, that people are becoming increasingly
dependent on them. The time may come when human
lives are governed by a mechanical superbrain.
문제가 되는건 끝에서 두번째 줄의 dependent on them 과 끝의 줄 are governed 인데요
문제가 어법상 틀린것은? 이거든요 이 둘중에 어느것이 틀린 건가요?