외국인전형 입시정보

Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 04 Admission Factors

by 관리자 posted Nov 22, 2021


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How is the admissions process now?


We will guide you through the Admissions Process.


It's an admissions factor. have some elements


What factors are you recruiting for?


There are two main factors.



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There is Document and there is Interview.


Documents are important at 67%, or 2/3,


The interview is one-third.


Finalists are selected based on 2/3 of all documents and 1/3 of the interview.


That is why documents are important and interview is also important.


I hope you all understand this.


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Documents are graded on a 200-point scale.


Interviews are scored on a 100-point scale.


The total score is based on a total of 300 points.


The final successful candidates are selected by comprehensively reviewing the interview and documents.


Understand that this process exists


All procedures will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.


Applicants' evaluation scores and submitted documents are never exposed to the outside world.


It will be kept at Yonsei University and discarded.



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Overall, I appreciate you


Regarding Admission and Admission Scholarship


Admission, scholarships, etc. are delivered via personal email.


On what basis do you pass or fail pass or fail?


scholarship The part of whether you received a scholarship or not


The applicant's academic ability to high school and any personal characteristics


and how much it can contribute to cultural diversity.


These are comprehensively reviewed.


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So I passed or failed at UIC (Underwood International University).


Or, in some cases, scholarships are given.


Admissions evaluations in this section are not disclosed.


So far, I've said in some way that there are typical elements of admission.


A particularly important factor is that documents are two-thirds and interviews are one-third.


Document Submission Submission of documents is also important.


"Participating in the interview"


Participation in the interview is also very important



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Both are required. So without this process


No need to submit documents or an interview


Please note that admission will never be made.








Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 04 Admission Factors




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