외국인전형 입시정보

Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 06 Application

by 관리자 posted Nov 23, 2021


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연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_00_13_01.스틸 001.jpg


I've talked about the division so far.


Basically, one of the things you need to do when entering


In particular, you must apply with your full name.


Matching relevant supporting documents such as passports


You must apply with a verifiable full name (last name + first name).


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_00_39_36.스틸 002.jpg


And all documents are in English.


There are foreigners who went to school in Korea.


Foreigners whose parents are both foreigners who attended Korean schools


You have to prepare everything in English.


If it is in a foreign language other than English, such as Chinese, Japanese, etc.


You must have a notarized translation into English.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_01_10_46.스틸 003.jpg


In principle, the original documents must be submitted.


If the original is not available, a copy must be submitted.


must be notarized


There is a seal issued by the institution


You must submit a copy that has been checked against the original.


Documents will not be returned. And once the application documents are submitted


After that, cancellations and returns are not possible.


Please take note this and apply.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_02_02_17.스틸 004.jpg


What I'm going to tell on next is how to apply.


Yonsei University offers two ways to apply.


The first is direct support. Direct Application to UIC.


Apply directly online and submit offline documents to the deadline


There are two ways to submit.


Specifically, apply online through the UIC website and


Another method is to submit offline documents by mail to the admissions office.


There are other convenient methods besides this method.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_02_54_54.스틸 005.jpg


Common Application joint support method


This is the method supported by the joint support site.


https://www.commonapp.org is a site like this.


right here commonapp.org site


find a college, plan for college, apply to college,


support your students with menus for each


commonapp.org This is the way to access this site and apply.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_03_41_50.스틸 006.jpg


This is the main application site used when applying to universities in the United States.


This is a second way to support through this site.


Submit application through online (commonapp.org)


Admission materials must be submitted by mail before the deadline.


This is the second way it is done.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_04_14_05.스틸 007.jpg


You can do whatever you are comfortable with


I think it would be better to apply directly to Yonsei University.


Because it is a direct application, in the part to deliver


It can be seen as direct and expeditious


Regardless of the second method through commonapp.org


Even if you support it, it won't be a big deal.








Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 06 Application




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