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Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Student 03 Admission Procedure.00_00_02_09.스틸 001.jpg


Now, let's check the admissions schedule in detail.


There are two rounds, the 1st Round and the 2nd Round.


The 1st Round is to coincide with the spring semester.


The 2nd Round is set for fall semester.


Is your admission period fall semester?


It depends on whether it is spring semester.



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First of all, in the case of spring semester, the previous year.. If it is the spring semester of 2022


Online application (online application) in September 2021


The document submission must be submitted around October.


November 12.. There is an online interview in early November.


Announcement of successful applicants is made around the end of November.


This is spring semester.


Since Korea has spring semester, the above support is possible.



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Most foreign universities are in the fall semester.


I will tell you based on the fall semester.


If you are thinking of entering the fall semester of 2022


Then in May 2022. It's fall semester, so it's September.


If you enter in September, you must apply online in early May.


I submit my documents around mid-May and I have an interview on June 17th and 18th.


Interviews will be held on June 17th and 18th.


And at the end of June, the winners will be announced.


And after July and August (July August), students enter September (September).


You should check the schedule and apply.



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Naturally, applicants must enter the Online Application Deadline.


Document Submission Deadline


You have to keep it accurate.


If you cross the deadline, there will be no interview and you will be disqualified.


So, you must follow the deadline.


And you must attend the interview.


Failure to attend the online interview will result in disqualification.



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If you pass, you will be admitted to UIC (Underwood International University).


Visa-related information, tuition fees, semester registration, etc. are all emailed to you.


check through the email


Those who are accepted for spring matriculation,


You need to pay attention to point 4.


Admission has been confirmed for the spring semester.


Students who have received admission in the spring semester and have been confirmed for admission


You cannot apply for Fall matriculation.



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You cannot apply in the same year.


But if I applied for the fall semester and it didn't work or if I didn't want to go to college


fall semester Next is spring matriculation


You can apply for the next spring semester because the year changes.


You can't apply within the same year.


However, if the year changes, it is possible to apply separately.


Please pay attention to this and prepare.



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Overall Admission Schedule so far


We have informed you about the screening schedule.


In particular, based on whether it is fall semester or spring semester


You should check the admission schedule that suits you.










Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 03 Admission Procedure




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  1. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 03 Admission Procedure

  2. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 02 Qualifications

  3. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석

  4. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 01 Introduction

  5. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 07 서류제출

  6. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 06 원서접수

  7. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 05 전공소개

  8. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 04 전형요소

  9. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 03 전형일정

  10. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 02 지원자격

  11. 연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 01 들어가는말

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  13. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 자기소개서 항목4

  14. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 자기소개서 항목1

  15. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 자기소개서 항목2

  16. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 자기소개서 항목3

  17. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 상황점검 2부 추천서

  18. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 상황점검 1부 전체서류점검

  19. 해외고졸 및 특례 서류준비 현강01 전과정12특 3특 해외고수시 분위기느끼기

  20. 특례컨설팅 서류준비 06 신분서류 여권사본 출입국사실증명서 기타

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