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2021.11.22 16:42

Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 05 Majors

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Then, what majors are at UIC (Underwood International University)?


We will let you know which campus it is held on.


There are quite a few majors.


First of all, before talking about major, Yonsei University is a bit unique.


There are Divisions, followed by Majors.


And there are two campuses: the Seoul campus and the Songdo campus.



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We will also tell you where the classes will be held.


First of all, Divisions has Underwood Division.


There is the HASS Division and finally the ISE Division.


So underwood (UD), HASS and ISE.


UD is the Underwood Division


HASS is Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences


In other words, it is a division that integrates the humanities, arts, and social sciences.


Next is Integrated Sciences and Engineering


ISE Division Convergence Science Engineering Division.



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Division is broader than major and narrower than college.


Between college and major is division.


You can understand it this way.


Underwood Division. UD has four majors


These four are Humanities and Social science


That is, it applies to the humanities and social sciences. (apart from HASS)


Comparative Literature and Culture, Economics, International Studies and Political Science and Diplomacy


There are four majors above.



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However, there are other majors related to natural science.


It is a natural science and engineering is also connected.


That is LSBT. Life Science and Biotechnology.


Life sciences and biotechnology. (Life Science Engineering)


Life sciences are classified as pure sciences.


Biotechnology is classified as Engineering.


So, while having a fusion character


In the field of Humanities and Social Sciences,


Distinctively, there is LSBT as Natural Science.


I can tell you in this way.


Recently, LSBT has been very popular.


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Let's look at the campus part.


The first year (freshmen course) is held at Songdo International Campus.


Classes are held at the Sinchon Campus in Seoul for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders.


UD (Underwood Division) 1 year is held in Songdo


The remaining 3 years sophomore junior senior course


It will be held at the Sinchon Seoul Campus. This is how you can understand it.



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In general, UD (Underwood Division) is the most competitive and


Admission is also very high.


On the other hand, there are majors that are a little less burdensome than here.


This is HASS. Humanities, Arts, and Social Science.


There are many departments in the HASS Division, and these majors are generally


In general at Songdo campus within 4 years


Classes are held. (Sometimes, depending on the subject, it can be taken at the Sinchon Campus)


You need to understand this and apply.


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What majors do you have in HASS, or Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences?


There are Asian Studies


IID (Information and Interaction Design),


Creative Technology Management (CTM),


Culture and Design Management (CDM),


Justice and Civil Leadership (JCL),


Quantitiative Risk Management (QRM)


Quantitiative Risk Management is kind of like econometrics and


applied mathematics is the basis.


Quantitiative Risk Management


Risk Management is a typical branch of business administration.



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and Science, Technology, and Policy


Sustainable Development and Coopreration


As there are various majors such as


At HASS, you can choose the major you want from a variety of majors and apply for admission.


I can tell you.


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Finally, the ISE Division. The Faculty of Convergence Science and Engineering.


ISE Division has three majors.


The three majors are Bio-Convergence,


Energy and Environmental Science and Engineering,


And the third is Nano Science and Engineering (NSE).


Nanoscience Engineering These three are included in the ISE.



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ISE is a typical engineering section.


it is an engineering, it is an engineering with a fusion character.


Here's what you need to pay attention to


He is particularly interested in biotechnology.


In particular, Korean Quarantine has become famous.


In that regard, the popularity of the bio field is good.


UD's LSBT is also life science engineering, and ISE's Bio-Convergence is also


It is based on bio, but there are some differences.


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Most majors in the Underwood Division (UD)


There are many majors in the field of Human and Social Science.


In connection with these humanities and social sciences, there is an LSBT affiliated with international studies.


Bio-Convergence is in the Engineering section.


So more about engineering and bioscience


The closest thing to engineering is Bio-Convergence.


The closest thing to Life Science is LSBT.


There is not much difference between LSBT and Bio-Convergence.


LSBT itself belongs to UD (Underwood).


Bio-Convergence is in the ISE.


You can see this as the difference.



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Until now, UD, HASS, ISE of UIC (Underwood International University)


We looked at each major.


You must select a division when entering.


Whether to do UD, HASS, or ISE


You must select Division.


since you know there are several majors, so choose your division carefully.


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I go for UD and I go for HASS.


I go for ISE. have to choose like this


And when is the major for each division decided?


The major is chosen at the end of the first year.


So, when entering the school, the division is decided, and the major is decided at the end of the semester.



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When deciding on a division at first, look at your major


You have to anticipate what major you will be doing and decide the division.


Once again we check the three Divisions. Underwood Division


HASS Division, ISE Division.


You should be able to choose the right one.







Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 05 Majors




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  19. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 05 Majors

  20. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 04 Admission Factors

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