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2021.11.22 16:43

Yonsei Univ Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 07 Documents

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연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_00_02_24.스틸 001.jpg


There are other caveats


Be sure to read the instructions carefully and prepare.


First of all, when you apply online, there is an application form.


There is an application form, you need to fill it out well. fill it well


After that, if you look at the UIC site, you will find the consent form for academic background inquiry.


You must also submit a consent form for academic background inquiry.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_00_35_32.스틸 002.jpg


and Official transcripts. This is the official transcript from the high school you attended.


If you are from an Apostille-certified country, this transcript must be Apostille-certified.


Unless it's the apostille gorge


Consulate Authentication, or Consulate Authentication.


You don't have to get both. Apostille certified or


I'd like to get the embassy attestation.


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What is the most important first document?


That is transcripts.


The second is the Certificate of graduation.


In the same way, the graduation certificate can be Apostille or Consulate-certified.


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The third is two recommendation letters


Two letters of recommendation from high school teachers.


If possible, one chapter covers the subject


received from the subject teacher


The other is in the Recommendation.


Counseller's Reference


For example, I got it from the counselor in charge of college admissions.


Submitting it would be a great recommendation letter.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_01_50_40.스틸 005.jpg


Then, one copy of the applicant's and


his/her parents' passports or ID cards.


Applicants themselves as well as their parents.


A copy of the applicant's passport or ID and a copy of the parent's passport or ID


You must also submit this.


All you have to do is submit a copy of your ID or passport.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_02_14_04.스틸 006.jpg


Other than that, there are parts that you need to prepare for each.


Especially in case of Chinese nationality Chinese nationality


And there are foreigners living in Korea.


Foreigners living in Korea.. They said that it doesn't matter if they go to a Korean school.


If your nationality is a foreigner, you must also submit a certificate of alien registration.


In addition, report on loss of nationality, certificate of loss of nationality, etc.


Submit the relevant documents properly.


It was Required Documents.


These are documents that must be submitted.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_03_03_17.스틸 007.jpg


In addition, there are additional documents that must be submitted.


These are supplementary documents.


Submit if possible. If you have, please


This will make admission easier. Of course it's about grades.


SAT, ACT, GCE A LEVEL, IB, AP, GAO KAO, Matura, etc.


It's proof of education. Evidence of grades...


However, if you want to go to Yonsei University, you need to have a grade like this.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_03_41_34.스틸 008.jpg


The second is language related documents


Language related documents are IELTS TOEFL SAT1 or


AP to AP Chinese, AP English Literature, AP English Language


There are many languages such as AP Japanese.


So, because there are so many subjects in the international standardized grades (AP/IB),


In this regard, you are submitting


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_04_13_01.스틸 009.jpg


In addition to honors, awards, qualifications


Certificates received while in high school


Any certifications or any other documents will be ready.


List of supplementary documents


There is a list of other documents provided by Yonsei University.


Please submit based on this.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_04_37_15.스틸 010.jpg


All required documents required by Yonsei University so far


And I looked at the additional documents.


Supplementary documents are very important.


Since it is simply other documents, you can submit it roughly.


You shouldn't think like that.


I'm talking about supplementary


In fact, it's essential.


Required means that everyone must submit it.


It is necessary to be prepared with this in mind.


I will deliver it like this.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_05_07_52.스틸 011.jpg


For other precautions, please check the respective entrance examination guidelines.


In SYMEE, he is a global language expert in the Department of International Studies.


There is an admissions program and in addition to SAT ACT AP IB courses, etc.


We offer a variety of classes


In particular, consulting is most important for UIC foreign students.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_05_38_57.스틸 012.jpg


So you get proper advice


Through SYMEE entrance exam consulting


Elements of admission to Yonsei University and preparation of documents


Things to be aware of when preparing documents


Also, since I am a foreigner, the factors for admission to a Korean university or


Sometimes it's hard to find the key points.


In that case, through SYMEE entrance exam consulting


We will give you specific instructions.


연세대UIC외국인전형분석 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형석_211109_1738.00_06_11_50.스틸 013.jpg


Of course, not only Yonsei University but also foreign admissions at other universities.


I have a lot of accumulated experience so I can manage it systematically.


Be sure to check the Yonsei University you really want


I wish you all the best for admission to UIC (Underwood International College).


Above, UIC Foreigner Admissions Analysis


It was delivered by Sam.Y.Hong, the CEO of SYMEE.


Thank you.








Yonsei Univ Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 07 Documents




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  20. Yonsei Univ. Admission for UIC for Foreign Students 04 Admission Factors

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