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특례/외국인 입시정보-텍스트

Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_00.JPG



Hello~ it’s SYMEE!


Today, we are going to take a look at Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admissions!


In this post, we will deliver the recruitment unit, eligibility, and schedule.





Kyung Hee Univ. Foreign Student Admissions: Recruitment Unit

Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_01_모집단위.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_02_모집단위.JPG



First, let's check the recruitment units of Kyung Hee University Foreign Students Admission.


Let’s see the Seoul campus recruitment unit.


The Seoul campus has the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Autonomous Majors, the College of politics and economics, the College of Business Administration, the College of Hotel & Tourism, the College of Life Sciences, and

the College of Science.


Hotel and Tourism College is divided into Hospitality Business School and Tourism Department.


Departments in Hospitality Business Administration include hotel management, convention management,

restaurant management, and culinary and service management.


Departments in the Faculty of Tourism include the Department of Tourism and the Department of Cultural

Tourism Contents.




Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_03_모집단위.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_04_모집단위.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_05_모집단위.JPG




Next, let's look at the recruitment unit of International campus.


The International campus consists of College of Engineering, College of Electronics and Information, College of

Software Convergence, College of Applied Science, College of Life Science, International College, College of Foreign

Languages, College of Art and Design, and College of Physical Education.





Kyung Hee Univ. Foreign Student Admissions Eligibility

Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_06_지원자격.JPG



Next, we will check the eligibility for Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admissions.


You must meet the nationality, academic background, and language requirements.


Let's look at the nationality requirements first.


As a nationality requirement, both the applicant and his/her parents are foreigners and must satisfy each of the

following items.


1) Both parents and students are recognized as foreigners only if both parents and students have acquired foreign

nationality before the student begins the curriculum equivalent to the Korean high school curriculum.


2) If you and your parents have given up (lost) Korean citizenship, you must submit a certificate of loss of nationality.


3) If one of the parents is obligated to support, only the nationality of the obligor to support is reflected in the



However, it must be confirmed by a document issued by the government.


The academic background is a graduate (prospective) who has completed secondary education in Korea or abroad.


As a language requirement, one of the following must be met.


1) Those with a score of level 3 or higher in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)


2) Those who have completed Korean Intermediate 2 or higher at a language training institute affiliated with

Kyunghee University


3) Applicants who have passed Kyunghee University Korean language test level 3 or higher


4) Applicants applying to the Business School of Business Administration: Only those who have passed the Test of

Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) Level 4 or higher, Kyung Hee University Korean Language Test Level 4 or higher, or

those  who have completed the Advanced Level 1 or higher of Korean at a language training institute

affiliated with Kyunghee University.




Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_07_지원자격.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_08_지원자격.JPG



Next, we will check the eligibility for applying for the English track for foreign freshmen.


Nationality and academic background requirements are the same as for the Korean language track for new students.


Let’s take a look at the language requirements and the relevant department.


The language requirement must satisfy one of the following 'A~B'.


A. Citizens of countries where English is the mother tongue or official language


B. Official English proficiency score (TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 5.5, NEW TEPS 327 or TEPS 600 or higher)


The English track for freshmen includes the Department of Business Administration, Department of Hospitality

Management (excluding Culinary Arts and Service Management Department), Department of International

Studies, and Department of Global Korean Studies.


Korean nationality holders (including themselves and their parents) are excluded from the qualifications for new

and transfer admission, and certification of academic background such as GED, homeschooling, cyberlearning,

and adult education is not recognized as an academic background requirement.





Kyung Hee Univ. Foreign Student Admissions Schedule

Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_09_전형일정_1차전형.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_10_전형일정_1차전형.JPG



Next, we will check the admission schedule for the first round of the Kyung Hee University Foreign

Student Admissions.


Application for admission (Internet application)

: February 28 (Mon) - March 11 (Fri), 2022


Submission of application documents (submission by mail)

: February 28 (Mon) to March 13 (Sun), 2022


Interview (video interview)

: April 9, 2022 (Sat)


Announcement of successful applicants

: April 22, 2022 (Fri) 14:00


Deposit payment

: From April 25 (Mon) to May 6 (Fri) 16:00, 2022


Submission of final certificate of prospective graduates

: Until July 15, 2022 (Fri) 15:00




Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_11_전형일정_2차전형.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_12_전형일정_2차전형.JPG


Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version 경희대 외국인전형 모집단위 지원자격 전형일정_영어본_13_전형일정_2차전형.JPG




Lastly, let’s see the schedule of the second round of the Kyunghee University Foreign Student Admissions.


Application for admission (Internet application)

: April 25 (Mon) - May 13 (Fri), 2022


Submission of application documents (submission by mail)

: April 25 (Mon) - May 15 (Sun), 2022


Interview (video interview)

: June 18, 2022 (Sat)


Announcement of successful applicants

: July 1, 2022 (Fri) 14:00


Print out the acceptance letter and tuition bill

: From July 1, 2022 (Fri) to July 15, 2022 (Fri) 16:00


Tuition payment

: From July 4 (Mon) to July 15 (Fri) 16:00, 2022


Submission of final certificate of prospective graduates

: Until July 15, 2022 (Fri) 15:00




We have delivered the recruitment unit, eligibility, and admission schedule for Kyung Hee University

Foreigner Admissions!


If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact information below. :)


Thank you!





싸이미 컨설팅 [SYMEE Consulting]





싸이미 컨설팅특징 [SYMEE Consulting Features]

- 철저한 입시요강분석을 통한 연구중심 컨설팅

- 일대일 개별 서류분석 및 최적 대학선택 

- 국제학부/글로벌/어학특기자/특례/외국인전형 전문입시컨설팅

- 자격확인 / 지원가능여부 / 합격가능성 정밀진단. 

- Personal Statements(자소서 등) 및 실적서류 준비

- 원서접수 및 서류접수 대행


- Research-oriented consulting through thorough analysis of the entrance exam syllabus

- One-on-one individual document analysis and optimal university selection

- International Faculty/Global/Language Specialist/Special Cases/Foreign Specialized Admission Consulting

- Confirmation of qualifications / Whether application is possible / Precise examination of the possibility of


- Prepare Personal Statements (self-report, etc.) and performance documents

- Agency for application and document reception




싸이미 컨설팅 안내 [SYMEE Consulting Guide]

- 관리 컨설팅 / 스펙컨설팅 / 서류컨설팅

- 서류준비 -> 스펙관리 -> 최종대학 선정 : 플로우차트 관리

- 아포스티유인증 / 번역공증등 완벽 서류준비 




- Management Consulting / Spec Consulting / Document Consulting

- Document preparation -> Specification management -> Final university selection: Flow chart management

- Perfect document preparation such as Apostille certification / notarized translation




싸이미 오시는 길 [How to get to SYMEE]

강남점 [Gangnam Branch]

S+학원 (싸이미 협력학원) S+ Academy (SYMEE Cooperative Academy)




목동점[Mokdong Branch]

슬로우스퀘어 (싸이미 협력학원) Slow Square (SYMEE Cooperative Academy)


싸이미 컨설팅문의 [SYMEE Consulting Inquiry]

강남점 (Gangnam Branch) : 02-508-8209



목동점 (Mokdong Branch) : 02-2644-9990





번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
64 高麗大学外国人選考選考提出書類 file 관리자 2022.07.11 48
63 Seoul National University Global Talent Special Admission 1 Recruitment Unit Eligibility Admission Schedule_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 34
62 Seoul National University Foreigner Admission Global Talent Special Admission 1 Passing Factors_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 31
61 Seoul National University Foreigner Admission Global Talent Special Admission 1 Required Documents_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 31
60 首尔国立大学全球人才特聘1招生单位资格录取时间表_中文版 file 관리자 2022.07.09 34
59 尔国立大学外国人录取全球人才特别录取1及格因素_中文版 file 관리자 2022.07.09 31
58 首尔国立大学外国人录取全球人才特别录取1所需文件_中文版 file 관리자 2022.07.09 35
57 ソウル大学外国人選考グローバル人材特別入学1募集単位支援資格入試スケジュール_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 35
56 ソウル大学外国人選考グローバル人材特別選考1合格要素_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 29
55 ソウル大学外国人選考グローバル人材特別選考1提出書類_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 31
» Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Screening Schedule_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 28
53 Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Admission Factors_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 33
52 Kyung Hee University Foreign Student Admission Required Documents_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 29
51 慶熙大学外国人選考募集単位支援資格選考日程_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 33
50 慶熙大学外国人選考選考方法_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 30
49 慶熙大学外国人選考提出書類_日本語 file 관리자 2022.07.09 33
48 庆熙大学外国留学生招生单位资格审查时间表_中文版 file 관리자 2022.07.09 33
47 庆熙大学外国人录取办法_中文版 file 관리자 2022.07.09 31
46 慶熙大学外国人選考提出書類_中国語本 file 관리자 2022.07.09 28
45 Sogang University Foreign Student Admission Unit Eligibility Schedule_English Version file 관리자 2022.07.09 33