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특례/외국인 입시정보-텍스트

연세대UIC외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정  UIC of Yonsei Univ. Admission Eligibility and Schedule for International Students_00.JPG



UIC of Yonsei University Admission Eligibility and Schedule for International Students






2023 UIC of Yonsei University Eligibility for the International

Students Track

연세대UIC외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정  UIC of Yonsei Univ. Admission Eligibility and Schedule for International Students_01_지원자격.JPG



Eligibility for the International Students Track


1. Students must either hold or expect to hold a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency

as defined by Article 98 of Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act before

matriculating at UIC.


2. The student must be a non-Korean with non-Korean parents as stated by Article 3 of the Nationality Act.


If the student or any one of the student’s parents has dual citizenship with Korea, the student is NOT eligible for the International Students Track. Foreigners who are ethnically Korean must submit legal documentation that verifies

their renunciation of Korean citizenship.


3. If a student is a foreigner who is ethnically Korean, the student and both of the parents must have acquired foreign citizenships before the student entered high school in order to apply for the International Students Track, as stated the basic guidelines for university admissions


4. Korean adoptees with a foreign nationality are eligible to apply for the International Students Track only if he/she acquired the foreign citizenship before entering elementary school (Grade 1).








2023 UIC of Yonsei University Admission Schedule


연세대UIC외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정 연세대언더우드국제대학외국인전형 지원자격 전형일정  UIC of Yonsei Univ. Admission Eligibility and Schedule for International Students_03_전형일정.JPG



1. A hard copy of the application must arrive at the UIC Office by the document submission deadline.


If the applicant fails to submit the documents required for application by the deadline, the applicant will not be

interviewed and will be disqualified.


The Admissions Committee may consider an application postmarked earlier than the online application deadline

as an exception.


2. Students are required to participate in the interview (online) on the assigned date and time.


3. The UIC Office provides information on visas, tuition payment and course enrollment via the individual email addresses noted on the applications. Students entering in the spring semester (March) will receive an email in late

January, and students entering in the fall semester (September) in late June.


​4. Those who are accepted for spring matriculation cannot apply for fall matriculation at any other higher education institution in South Korea within the same year.





싸이미 컨설팅 [SYMEE Consulting]





싸이미 컨설팅특징 [SYMEE Consulting Features]

- 철저한 입시요강분석을 통한 연구중심 컨설팅

- 일대일 개별 서류분석 및 최적 대학선택 

- 국제학부/글로벌/어학특기자/특례/외국인전형 전문입시컨설팅

- 자격확인 / 지원가능여부 / 합격가능성 정밀진단. 

- Personal Statements(자소서 등) 및 실적서류 준비

- 원서접수 및 서류접수 대행


- Research-oriented consulting through thorough analysis of the entrance exam syllabus

- One-on-one individual document analysis and optimal university selection

- International Faculty/Global/Language Specialist/Special Cases/Foreign Specialized Admission Consulting

- Confirmation of qualifications / Whether application is possible / Precise examination of the possibility of


- Prepare Personal Statements (self-report, etc.) and performance documents

- Agency for application and document reception




싸이미 컨설팅 안내 [SYMEE Consulting Guide]

- 관리 컨설팅 / 스펙컨설팅 / 서류컨설팅

- 서류준비 -> 스펙관리 -> 최종대학 선정 : 플로우차트 관리

- 아포스티유인증 / 번역공증등 완벽 서류준비 




- Management Consulting / Spec Consulting / Document Consulting

- Document preparation -> Specification management -> Final university selection: Flow chart management

- Perfect document preparation such as Apostille certification / notarized translation




싸이미 오시는 길 [How to get to SYMEE]

강남점 [Gangnam Branch]

S+학원 (싸이미 협력학원) S+ Academy (SYMEE Cooperative Academy)







목동점[Mokdong Branch]

슬로우스퀘어 (싸이미 협력학원) Slow Square (SYMEE Cooperative Academy)





싸이미 컨설팅문의 [SYMEE Consulting Inquiry]

강남점 (Gangnam Branch) : 02-508-8209



목동점 (Mokdong Branch) : 02-2644-9990






번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
84 각 대학 외국인 입학처 링크 및 전화번호 관리자 2024.02.20 27
83 고려대 12년특례 전교육과정해외이수 원서접수 01_개요_접수요령_주의사항 (2부) file 관리자 2023.03.28 71
» UIC of Yonsei University Admission Eligibility and Schedule for International Students file 관리자 2022.07.12 68
81 UIC of Yonsei University Admission for International Students file 관리자 2022.07.12 53
80 UIC of Yonsei University Admission Documents for International Students file 관리자 2022.07.12 60
79 Yonsei University GLC Admission Majors Eligibility and Schedule for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.12 55
78 Yonsei Univ. GLC Admission factors for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.12 69
77 Yonsei University GLC Admission Documents for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.12 68
76 Yonsei University Admission Majors Eligibility and Schedule for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.12 67
75 Yonsei University Foreign Student Admissions Factors file 관리자 2022.07.11 57
74 延世大学外国人選考提出書類延世大学一般学科外国人選考提出書類 file 관리자 2022.07.11 53
73 Yonsei Univ. Admission Documents for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.11 74
72 Korea Univ. Admission Majors Eligibility and Schedule for Foreigners file 관리자 2022.07.11 56
71 Korea University Foreign Student Admissions - Evaluation Factors file 관리자 2022.07.11 64
70 Korea University International Student Admissions-Documents to be submitted file 관리자 2022.07.11 63
69 高丽大学。 外国人入学专业资格和时间表 file 관리자 2022.07.11 56
68 高丽大学留学生招生评价因素 file 관리자 2022.07.11 60
67 高丽大学留学生入学申请材料 file 관리자 2022.07.11 52
66 高麗大学校。 外国人のための入学専攻の資格とスケジュール file 관리자 2022.07.11 51
65 高麗大学外国人選考選考評価要素 file 관리자 2022.07.11 48