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Waseda SILS : 와세다 국제교양학부 : 입학준비 면접과정

싸이미상담실 2011.04.16 11:04 조회 수 : 10459



- Waseda SILS Interview -

(2명의 교수와 실시, questions were mostly based on the student’s personal statement. About 10 minutes.)

<Basic Interview Questions>
- Describe your living experiences in (the U.S.).

- Why did you choose Waseda SILS?
- Where would you like to go if you could choose a school in the Waseda exchange program?
- Do you think your will adjust well to the life in Japan?
- What subject would you like to focus?
- What are your life goals / dreams?
- What are the books that influenced you?
